Our complete HR Toolbox allows you to select the level of service that best suits your needs:

HR Risk Assessment and Audit Tool

We will undertake a complete audit and risk assessment, examining all your existing HR systems, legal compliance, policies and procedures. We will then score your current capability and advise on areas for development, providing you with a feedback report and action plan to identify your main priorities.

HR Beginners Toolkit

Achieving your ‘business dreams and visions’ often requires growth and therefore more people.
It is necessary then to address these points:

How will I ensure that I have the necessary contracts, policies and procedures to be compliant with basic Employment Legislation?
How will I handle the complaints and issues that people bring?
How will I protect myself from a growing ‘litigation’ culture?

We will provide you with all the documentation you need, contracts, policies, procedures and administration. We will also advise on the basics and how to effectively implement your system, allowing you to concentrate on growing your business!

HR Skills Toolkit

Effective policies, procedures and systems will provide you with the first level of effective HR Management. But, in order to gain the full benefits of the policies and procedures, those implementing them require the HR Skills necessary to gain the desired results.

Our HR Skills Toolbox provides a range of Toolbox Talks and Workshops to assist organisations to effectively deliver their HR policies and proceedures.

Essential Recruitment and Selection Skills
How to Manage Discipline and Grievance
Conducting Effective Performance Appraisals and Reviews
Managing Absence Effectively
Handling Redundancies Appropriately
How to Challenge Behaviour and Give Constructive Feedback

For more information on any of our HR Skills Toolkits, please contact us at success@hrsuccess.co.uk or call 01977 700906

Retain Our Skills

If you don’t want the hassle of keeping on top of employment legislation or your organisation can’t afford the luxury of an HR Function, why not retain our services and benefit from our expertise? We can:

Reduce your overheads and risks
Provide affordable expertise
Deliver specialist advice and assistance
Get to know you and your organisation
Control costs (The right advice can result in the reduced cost of claims, improved performance, better recruitment and the avoidance of tribunal awards)

We will provide unlimited telephone support, full provision of the necessary policies and procedures, an annual audit, 12 days free consultancy and an amendment service to keep you up to date with legislative changes.

HR Consultancy

By offering assistance to busy and overstretched HR professionals and mangers, we can assist in the deliverance of any HR project. We take the time to research best practice, review your business processes and understand more about your workforce. This enables us to tackle difficult people-related issues, develop policies and help you realise your objectives.

We do not offer ‘off the shelf’ solutions. Instead we tailor each of our consultancy projects to suit your needs and budget.

Examples of Projects Undertaken

Facilitated a business review and strategic planning processes for a growing business
Designed and delivered an Assessment Centre for senior ranking Police Officers
Handled re-structuring, redundancy and outplacement for a major distribution company
Managed a large scale annual recruitment exercise for a Government Department
Developed competency models and frameworks for both private and public sector organisations
Undertook various Research Projects

Our expert involvement in projects such as these leaves you free to concentrate on other aspects of business.

If you would like to have an informal discussion on any potential projects - call 01977 700906.